Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Festa 2008 » 04 SEP 08 TRIDUUM FIRST DAY EMIGRANTS DAY

The first day of Triduum on 4th September was dedicated to Xaghra emigrants. Many emigrants come to the Festa every year, some of them making it a yearly appointment. Mass in the evening was said by Fr Joe Said, himself a Xaghra priest residing in Rome where he serves as the Parish priest of Parrocchia San Pio X. Orchestra, soloists and Maria Bambina Choir were under the direction of Mr Ronald Camilleri. Mass offerings were made by emigrants and each one was accompanied with the respective country flag. At end of Mass, Fr Said presented Archpriest Refalo with a special stole with the insignia of the late Pope John Paul II. Afterwards the emigrants gathered in the Parish House where Mgr Refalo showed them recent works especially the archives for which emigrants contributed financially last year. During the social gathering, Mr Monty Sultana from Sydney, on behalf of the Xaghra Association of Sydney presented Mgr Refalo a cheque for Euro 150 in recognition of the service the Parish gives to the emigrants through its website www.xaghraparish.org. Mgr Refalo thanked the Association for the donation and expressed his great satisfaction that the website serves as a continuous link between them and the Parish, bringing them nearer to it especially now that they can also follow visually what takes place in their place of birth. He appealed to all emigrants to promote this invaluable link in their adopted countries.

A1a Fr Joe Said incensing the altar
A4 Fr Joe Said  (centre)
A5 First Lesson
A6 Psalms - Sem Mark Bonello
A7 Orchestra and Maria Bambina Choir
A8 The Gospel - Deacon Joseph Curmi
A9 Mgr Lawrence Xiberras
B1 Mgr Xiberras delivering the Novena Sermon
B2 The sermon is over
B3 Prayers of the Faithful

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