The wedding took place on 27th December 1959 at Maria Bambina Collegiate Parish Church, Xaghra, between Jane Galea and Anthony Bajada. Fifty years later, on 27th December 2009, in the same Church now Basilica and kneeling at the feet of the same High Altar, the couple celebrated their Golden Jubilee Wedding happily surrounded by their first and second generation and friends of the family. The principal celebrant at Eucharist Celebration was Canon Michael Borg, cousin of the groom, who, with his brother John, was altar boy during wedding Mass celebrated by the late Canon Fortunato Cini in 1959 . Co celebrating were Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo and Canon Joseph Sultana. Choir Voci Angeliche, under the direction of Mrs Grace Vella accompanied by Mro John Galea on the organ, animated the singing. At a lavish buffet reception afterwards the couple opened gifts presented by their children, grandchildren, relatives and friends. A Jubilee cake was cut and champagne flowed to the applause and enjoyment of all. Our congratulations to Tony and Jane and may this occasion serve to show today`s young married couples that real love built on Christian family values stays young with the passage of time.

A1 Jane enters the Church with her father Dominic 27 Dec 1959
A2 Can Fortunato Cini and altar boy Michael Borg 27 Jan 1959
A3 Mass animator Seminarian Stephen Cachia
A4 Altar boy in 1959 Michael Borg now Canon Borg 27 Dec 2009
A5 Cousin Can Michael Borg main celebrant
A7 Jane receives wedding ring from Anthony 1959
A8 Blessing the wedding ring
A9 Like 50 years earlier hand in hand before the priest
B1 Blessing the couple
B2 Daughter Mary Anne and son Louis
B3 Close Relatives
B4 Praying over the couple
B5 Couple renewing the marriage vows
B6 Grand daughter reads First Lesson
B7 Grand daughter reads The First Lesson
B8 Grand daughter reads Second Lesson
B9 Grand daughter reads Second Lesson
C1 Archpriest Refalo reads the Gospel
C2 The Gospel

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